Tamburi Neri – Ombre
Today we celebrate the release of Tamburi Neri’s album “Ombre”. This project marks the eighth work made available though the French label, Worst Records. Tamburi Neri is a Milan based duo formed by Andrea Barbieri and Claudio Brioschi, this immersive album features Hiroko Mastopaolos’s mysterious vocals joined with Italian spoken word. All of this comes accompanied by a deep and hypnotic rhythm that is able to transcend the more conventional dance music templates.
For this special day, we are broadcasting an exclusive Tamburi Neri’s mix for our Casting Call series along with an interview.
You can buy the digital file or the 2×12″ LP at Worst Records’ Bandcamp!
1- Where and how the mix was recorded?
We recorded this mixtape in our studio Prisma Sonoro in Milan. We used turntables and we’re
played our records. We recorded it live is the best way for us.
2- Can you tell us a little about the idea behind the mix?
The idea was making something like an introductive feeling to put yourself into the vision of our
3- How did you guys get together to form Tamburi Neri?
We meet each other in 2012 and after five years we decided to make music together.
At first, Claudio ask Andrea to sing on some bases after that we decided to create a new project
because we had got a special feeling.
4- What are the biggest musical influences behind “Ombre”?
There are not a unique influence about it. We are a patchwork of many different kind of sounds.
We love world music and some Italian famous singer like De Andrè, Paolo Conte and electronic
sounds like Brinkman, Alva Noto or Moritz Von Oswald just a bite of our favorites.
5- If “Ombre” was a soundtrack to a movie, what would it be and why?
For some hypnotic and meditative concept the “Embrace of The Serpent” can be the best option
to synchronize or music. For us of course :)
6- What is your relationship with Worst Records?
We know “Worst records” from the first releases like “A Strange Wedding” and “Jacque Satre”.
We loved the sound and we decided to get in touch with them.
7- What’s the horizon for Tamburi Neri?
New music and we hope for gig around the world.