Born in Carapicuíba, in the west of São Paulo, Darci Braga de Souza a.k.a. DBS Gordão Chefe is a strong name in national hip hop culture. Active since 1992, when he formed the group DBS and A Quadrilha, he gained notoriety when he was revealed by RZO along with names such as Negra Li and Sabotage. In 2003, he released his first album, O Clã da Vila.
Released in 2013, his third album, DBS Gordão Chefe, brought together a stellar cast with names such as Black Alien, Emicida, Fauzi Beydoun (Tribo de Jah), Flora Matos, Terra Preta, Helião, Ice Blue among many others.
In Em Trânsito(ER) the artist recalls passages of his career and gives impressions about national culture and rap.
DBS Gordão Chefe - Qui nem Judeu
DBS Gordão Chefe - Os Inimigos estão Próximos (feat. Emicida)
Zudizilla - Tela em Branco (part. Monique Brito)
Sabotage - Respeito é pra quem tem (feat. RZO e DBS Gordão Chefe)
Sabotage - Mun Rá
DBS Gordão Chefe - Minha Família (feat. RZO, Negra Li e Dina Dee)